Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 Coverage FAQs

These FAQs are intended to apply for circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and are subject to revision as circumstances evolve. Please note all coverage is subject to actual policy terms and conditions.

COVID-19 Coverage FAQs

Medical Malpractice Insurance for Independent Physicians

Q: Who is my insurance company for malpractice coverage?
A: Hartford HealthCare Indemnity Services, Ltd. (HHCISL) utilizes C.N.A. to issue your policy and provide coverage, with HHCISL providing financial backing to the policy.

Q: What type of coverage is it, and what are the effective dates?
In most cases, coverage is a claims-made policy; and, under certain circumstances, coverage may be written on an occurrence basis. Coverage renews annually on January 1st.

Q: What limits are available?
Coverage limit options include $1M/$3M, $2M/$5M and $3M/$6M.

Q: How does this policy cover me for damages?
A: The program provides worldwide protection against medical malpractice claims which might be brought against you in your practice as a physician or surgeon. Your medical malpractice protection covers you for damages resulting from:

  • You or your organization providing or withholding professional services
  • Providing or withholding professional services by anyone whose acts you are legally responsible for including, among others, your employees and volunteer workers when working within the scope of their assigned duties
  • Your service on a formal accreditation board or similar board or committee

Q: How are employees covered? Is there an additional charge?
A: Employees, such as APRNs and PAs, are covered automatically as is the Professional Corporation at no additional charge for all duties within their scope of employment by you.

Q: How are part-time employees covered, or those with other employment models?
A: Part-time employees are covered at a reduced rate.

Q: How are premiums determined?
A: Premiums are based on selected limits plus several factors including:

  • Specialty
  • Surgery vs. non-surgery
  • Retro date
  • Full or part-time practice
  • 50% premium credit for physicians new to practice
  • No charge for PC or advanced practicing provider
  • No charge for locum tenens
  • Risk management, CME, and loss experience credits
  • Premium waiver for disability/maternity leave/leave of absence
  • Billed monthly

Q: Since this is a claims-made policy, how can I obtain tail insurance when I leave?
A: Tail insurance is offered to any provider who has participated in the HHCISL program. For an application and a quote, please contact Sharon Daust at

Q: I need to request a loss run reflecting my claims history. Who do I contact?
A: Please submit your claim history request below:

Claim History Request

Q: I think something has happened that I should report. Who do I contact?
A: If you are concerned about an incident and believe it may develop into a claim, please contact Barbara Dunham at 860.334.8829 or as soon as possible. The effectiveness of the HHCISL coverage depends on prompt notice by the physician to the risk manager of any event that might conceivably give rise to a claim.

Q: Will I need to hire my own legal counsel?
A: HHCISL will provide you with legal counsel and a unified defense should any claims arise.

Q: I will be working part-time at a non-HHC company. Am I still covered?
A: This policy will cover you for all of your clinical work, regardless of site or affiliation with Hartford HealthCare.

Q: Will this policy cover for temporary coverage by another physician when I am on vacation?
A: Yes. Called Locum Tenens coverage, this program will provide full coverage for any physician or group who are covering for you while you are away for up to 90 days.  Please contact


Contact HHCISL

Coverage Questions

Sharon Daust-Deleeuw
Marsh Senior Vice President, HealthCare Practice

Mike Kane
HHC Director of Insurance & Risk Financing
Office: 860.545.4841
Mobile: 860.227.4052

Medical Malpractice or Tail Insurance Quotes for Independent Physicians

Sharon Daust-Deleeuw
Marsh Senior Vice President, HealthCare Practice

More Information

To Report an Incident or Something That Could Result in a Claim or Lawsuit

Risk Management
Tara DeGros

To Report a Medical Malpractice Claim or Lawsuit

Report a Medical Malpractice Claim / Lawsuit

If you encounter any issues with the link, you may use the following email to report any claim or suit:

For Additional Information Regarding Medical Malpractice/Lawsuits, Please Contact:

Chris Maiello
Associate General Counsel
Office: 860.545.3336
Mobile: 860.936.2053