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Onslaught of Severe Weather Can Cause Stress and Anxiety

September 17, 2021

Within a week, Connecticut residents were subjected to high winds, flooding rains, and tornadoes thanks to two tropical storms, Henri and Ida. Power outages, downed trees, damages to homes, cars and schools were reported across the state. It’s easy to imagine that residents’ stress and anxiety levels were up significantly as well.

As severe weather becomes more common due to climate change, mental health can deteriorate. Experts say that as the planet continues to warm, and climate change’s effects become more apparent and severe across the globe, more people than ever could experience serious challenges to their mental health as a result.

“There’s clear evidence that the concerning effects of climate change have a negative effect on mental health,” said Dr. Javeed Sukhera, Chief of Psychiatry at Hartford Hospital and Chair of Psychiatry at the Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network’s Institute of Living.“We know the increase in the natural disasters we are seeing, and we know that those are complex stressors.”

Just this summer, weather extremes in the United States included record-breaking heat waves, massive forest fires, an unprecedented amount of rain leading to floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tropical storms. Dozens of people have died across the nation.

The effects of climate change on mental health can range from the frightening to the acutely dangerous. Some studies have linked extreme temperatures with an increased risk of suicide, as well as increased hospital admissions for mood and behavioral disorders.

Sukhera noted that many vulnerable populations such as those with housing or food insecurity or minorities are already struggling to find help for their mental health needs, and are also especially susceptible to natural disasters, often losing their homes and their stability.

“They already need help and support,” he said. “The pandemic has already affected them in a disproportionate way, and now add climate change and weather. In addition, children and young adults can be particularly impacted.”

The lead-up to a weather event can also add stress and increase anxiety, Sukhera noted, especially among children. Endless reporting of what might happen in advance of a storm “makes you worry. If you are a child, and it happens frequently, that can be stressful, even traumatic.”

Sukhera said people need to acknowledge the stress they are feeling. “We need to give ourselves space and grace,” he said. “And it goes beyond the cliches of self-care. Make sure you are doing the best you can. Have open conversations with yourself and with loved ones. Be accepting of the fact that there are lots of things you cannot control.”

There are helpful things you can do to prepare for and respond to emergency and disaster events. Individual actions might include:

  • making and practicing household emergency plans
  • caring for yourself through healthy habits
  • building connections with family, friends, neighbors, and others to create strong social networks
  • participating in policy and advocacy efforts to combat climate change.