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A Tip of the Hat to Tom Harwood
February 23, 2018
Tom Harwood’s co-workers at The Hospital of Central Connecticut (HOCC) Bradley Memorial campus will always remember him for his smile, that pep in his step, and his annual holiday hats.
“Tom had a hat for every holiday,” said Lisa Hendrickson, ultra sonographer in Diagnostic Radiology at Bradley Memorial campus. “Some were tall, some were wide, and some even lit up, played music and danced.”
Sadly, Tom passed away in October 2017 from his battle with cancer after working for eight years at HOCC in Supply Chain Management. With the holiday season quickly approaching, Lisa and her colleague, Heather Norton, teamed up with the Radiology unit at Bradley to honor Tom the best way they knew how.
“We all had a great rapport with Tom and decided we wanted to honor his memory,” said Lisa. “We embraced his memory with festivities, food, laughter, and our hats. Tom would have been very proud to have us carry on his tradition.”
Besides his crazy holiday hats, Lisa said that Tom will always be remembered for approaching co-workers and patients with a positive attitude.